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Shirts 2 2024

Pictured above are three things:

1) Those are the Cool Seals. Their names are “Cool Seal,” “Cool Seal,” “Cool Seal,” “Cool Seal,” “Cool Seal,” and “Monty,” respectfully.

2) My cat ran in the middle of the shot right before I took the picture.

3) The 68 T-Shirts on display match the 68 different students I have succesfully guided through the college admissions process these past six years. Each shirt is a college shirt and bears the name, colors, and logo of the eventual college or university that that student decided to make home. It’s an ever-growing collection that I view as both a memento of the wonderful young men and women I have gotten to spend time with, as well as a testament to the fact that I have found a calling in life.

I don’t care for misleading stats or curtailing the best results to make myself seem infallible. Instead, I present every student I worked with and their future school, and I do so with incredible pride. Enjoy.

*Multiple schools indicate that the student was at one point deciding between them but now has now picked the one listed in bold.


Class of 2024 Matriculations

Barnard: Computer Science (Early Decision)

Boston College: Economics (Early Decision)

Boston University/Emory/Northeastern/Wisconsin: Pre-Dental

Brown/Dartmouth/Georgetown: Economics

Cornell: Computer Science (Early Decision)

Georgetown/Johns Hopkins/UC Berkeley (Regents): English

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Engineering (Early Action)

Oxford/Stanford: Computer Science

University of Chicago: Business (Early Decision 2)

UC Berkeley/UCLA/UPenn/USC: Poli-Sci


Class of 2023 Matriculations

Boston University School of Law

Columbia University: Economics (Via the School of Continuing Studies)

Columbia/Harvard/UPenn (Hunstman)/UVA (Jefferson Scholarship)/Yale: Pre-Law

Carnegie Mellon/Johns Hopkins/Texas: Computer Science

Cornell: Computer Science (Early Decision)

Cornell/University of Michigan: Computer Engineering

Cornell/Rice/UNC: Journalism

Duke University: Computer Science (Early Decision)

Emory: Pre-Med (Early Decision)

MIT/Stanford/UC Berkeley (EECS): Neuroscience/Computer Science

Penn Wharton: Business (Early Decision)

Texas: Psychology

UC Berkeley/UCLA: Data Science

UC Berkeley/UCLA: Economics

University of Chicago: History/Pre-Law (Early Decision)


Class of 2022 Matriculations

Bowdoin College: Poli-Sci

Caltech/Stanford: Astrophysics

Harvard/MIT/Yale/Princeton: Bio-Chem

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Engineering

New York University: Electrical Engineering (Early Decision)

Rice/Wash U: Business/CS

UCLA: Business

UCSD: Computer Science + Math

University of Michigan: English

University of Michigan: Education

Yale University: Bio/Environmental Science


Class of 2021 Matriculations

Barnard College: Poli-SciĀ  (Early Decision)

Boston University/Georgia Tech/Northwestern/Rutgers University/Stevens Tech (Full-ride Scholarship)/UC Berkeley/University of Michigan/Washington University in St. Louis: Computer Game Design (He wants me to post every school he got into)

Cornell: Business and Hotel Management

Duke: Environmental Engineering (Early Decision)

Dartmouth/University of Chicago: Pre-Law

Emory: Film and Media Management

Georgia Tech/USC: Computer Science

Georgia Tech/RISD: Industrial Design

Notre Dame: Business

Rice: Bio/Pre-Med

UC Davis: Mathematical Analytics and Operations Research

Stanford University: Neuroscience

Stanford/Yale: Engineering

University of Chicago: Finance (Early Decision 2)

University of Toronto: Pre-Med

University of Virginia: Electrical Engineering (Full-ride Jefferson Scholarship)

Williams College: Philosophy

And then there’s 2019/2020… For my first year in this industry, I worked at a college admissions tutoring center in Cupertino, CA. While it’s true that I did most (all) the work required in getting 15 students into their eventual school, I’m not allowed to “claim” ownership over their results. It’s for similar reasons to why a Mcdonald’s employee isn’t allowed to claim ownership over the French fries he made, no matter how nummy.

Anywho, here are 15 other shirts I own. No particular reason.

Boston University

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley

Case Western



UC Santa Barbara

UC Santa Barbara

UC Santa Barbara

University of San Francisco

University of Southern California

University of Washington Seattle

University of Washington Seattle

University of Washington Seattle



– Mattie